Tree Sacrifice on Tour

If you hang out on social media platforms, you may know that my publisher, Impress Books, sent my third book – Tree Sacrifice – on tour to book reviewers in January.

Tree Sacrifice is the third and final instalment of the Tree Magic trilogy (or tree-logy, if you like puns).

After much nail-biting, I was relieved to see that the majority of reviewers liked the story. Many of them hadn’t read Tree Magic (book 1) or Tree Slayer (book 2). This made the storyline difficult for them to follow, since the trilogy must be read in order for it to make sense.

However, the reviewers were very complimentary about my writing, which made me feel all warm and mushy. My favourite reviews were those where the readers felt differently about trees and nature after reading the trilogy. Several said they wanted to go out and hug a tree, others liked the way the story inspired them to get out and do something to protect nature. And one reader has started drawing trees.

For me, the Tree Magic trilogy was about more than writing a story. It was about making people think about trees, about getting them to imagine what trees could be saying to each other, about inspiring them to want to defend nature. So I’m proud to think that the stories have had this effect on some people, at least.

Here are a few quotes from the reviews, plus the links to read the full reviews and see some of the amazing bookstagrams the reviewers created. Many thanks to Impress Books and LoveBooksTours, who organised it.


“I could really picture Harriet’s writing and her descriptions, which makes these books a perfect escape from realty. Her writing is also very thought provoking at times and does have you questioning life. It also certainly makes me proud to be a tree hugger because this book is simply magical and beautiful, which I’m sure I’ve said many times now!” @hannahmaybookreviews

“This might not be a book written for adults, but there was plenty to keep my interest and keep me guessing as to how it would end. It deals well with complex adolescence emotions and relationships, as well as decision making and responsibility, along with an engaging storyline that touched my tree soul.” French Village Diaries

“This is a beautiful book, great plot, well written and I really enjoyed it. I also loved the underlying idea of this – save and respect the trees. Do all we can to protect the earth and nature. A great topic for the world we live in today.” @book_a_holic_17

“Every page of this book was full of such vivid descriptions and rich imagery that I truly felt I was surrounded by nature. This book is so important for so many reasons, it allows young adults to really stretch their imagination but it also depicts the importance of nature and more specifically trees with both humans and the ecological community.’ @fiction_vixen18

“I loved the idea behind this book, gaining peace and knowledge from the world around us and protecting it as much as we can.” @tryingtomaketimetoread

“I love the idea of trees communicating, being all powerful advisers, it’s such a gorgeous story! I think it may have turned me into a tree hugger!” @thebookishhermit

 “A thrilling end to a unique and beautifully envisaged trilogy.” @Livinginmyownprivatelibrary

“Harriet writes with such beauty that the imagery created is breathtaking. It’s easy to envision what the characters are experiencing. In future I want to read the first two before rereading this book in the hopes I will understand it as it is meant to be understood!” @face_down_books_up 

“I adored the environmental themes, which were sophisticatedly weaved throughout the magical plot whilst also giving a realistic nod to the way humans often fail to respect nature 🌳 It definitely got me thinking about the little changes I can make to help to protect our world.” @the_beautyofreading

“This was a fascinating read that really stretches your imagination… A fascinating YA Fantasy that brings nature to life with the turn of each page.” @bookshortie


Sorry if this post sounds a bit boasty. I just wanted to share the goodwill that the Tree Magic trilogy has inspired. Oh, and encourage you to read the trilogy too!

If you’d like to purchase the books, they’re all available in both ebook and paperback format from your favourite online or local bookseller. Alternatively, you can click on the cover photos in the sidebar to order them in the UK.

Tree Magic : paperback ISBN: 978-1911293637, e-book ISBN: 978-1911293644
Tree Slayer : paperback ISBN: 978-1911293392, e-book ISBN: 978-1911293408
Tree Sacrifice : paperback ISBN: 978-1911293705, e-book ISBN: 978-1911293699


I’ll be back this spring with a series of posts on a completely different subject. Meanwhile, happy reading.

2 thoughts on “Tree Sacrifice on Tour

    1. harrietspringbett Post author

      Ha ha! Thank you Christine. Yes, I’m 1/3 of the way through my next book, which is for adults. I’ll be starting another project in spring, on which I’ll work during the summer (I’ll be posting the interviews from my research here) – and I’ve got the premise for a book in French. Then, of course, there’s a completed YA first draft in a drawer, which I may take out and improve one of these days… Are you sure you wanted to ask that question?? Ha ha!



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